Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Christ of Isaiah

In my own devotions I've just finished reading through the book of Isaiah. I must say that I think one of the reasons why our churches today are so weak and shallow, and have such a small view of God is that we don't read our whole Bible. I know so many Christians who just simply don't want to read the Old Testament for one reason or another. What a tragedy!

This time through Isaiah has been my favourite so far. Isaiah's God is so wonderfully transcendent, yet so amazingly concerned for the poor; so profoundly righteous, so awesomely just; forever concerned with making the whole world to know that he--YHWH--is God, and there is no other.

One of the other things that really struck me this time is how much the apostle Paul quotes Isaiah. It's amazing! I don't know how I never noticed it before. And not just Paul, either--the New Testament authors seem to love the book of Isaiah. The cool thing is that so many times when an NT author quotes Isaiah it is to say some pretty remarkable things about our Lord Jesus. Here are just a few examples that stuck out to me the past couple of days.

1. Isaiah 60.1-2, quoted in Ephesians 5.14. This passage in Ephesians 5 is cool because Paul takes a saying of Isaiah about YHWH and then directly applies it to the New Covenant believers in Ephesus, saying that all the truth of the person and holiness of God is found in the man Christ Jesus, who is none other than God himself.

2. Isaiah 60.19-20, quoted in Rev 21.23 and 22.5. Make sure you read both of those references. In Isaiah the promise is given that in the New Jerusalem there will be no need of sun or moon YHWH (his specific, personal name) will be the light in that place for his people. In Revelation, John says that the glory of God--which is paralleled with the lamb of God (i.e., Jesus) will be the light. In other words, Jesus and YHWH are One. Now this is an obvious theme throughout Revelation, but it's that much cooler when you read it in the context of Isaiah and all that you've heard over the past 60 chapters about the glory of God.

Too often we either don't want to read our Old Testament or else we read it as quickly and superficially as possible because we think it has nothing to say to us. In reality, all its truth speaks of Jesus, who has everything to do with us if we claim to be Christians.

So get in the Word! Remember that every word is God-breathed and useful to us, so that we can be equipped to do the work of God that he has called us to.


Son of Man said...

This is really excellent Julian. Well worth the wait. I have to constantly remind myself that Isaiah was saved through Jesus death on the cross too. Were you there when David Morris said that he could sum up the old testament with two words: "somebody is coming." Okay, so it is three words...

Tom Gee said...

Great thoughts, Julian!

It's such an extraordinary claim that Jesus and YHWH are one! How much more so it must have been for 1st century Jews!

I love the proprietary attitude of Jesus when he was in the magnificent Temple. This huge, beautiful building, founded on 2500 years of awe-filled, reverent worship of the Almighty, and Jesus says, "Hey, this is my Father's house!"

Or when challenged about his disciples' picking grain on Saturday, the revered Sabbath, which if violated was to mean certain death, this one of the 10 Words given on Sinai in thunder and smoke, he makes the audacious statement that the Sabbath belongs to _him_!


Thanks for this worshipful meditation, Jules!