Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Frame's Generous Orthodoxy

There is considerable overlap between McLaren’s concerns and mine. I too would like to see less doctrinal wrangling in the church and more love. Like McLaren, I think it’s important to learn from traditions other than our own (43-67) and in controversy to be both more winsome to those who disagree with us and harder on ourselves. I like McLaren’s way of putting it, that in theological dialogue we have the unfortunate tendency to compare our opponents’ worst with our best (136, 140). And I have argued, like McLaren (105-114), for a missional concept of the church...

So begins John Frame's review of Brian McLaren's Generous Orthodoxy. You can read the rest of it here.


Ian Hugh Clary said...

Phew, you freaked me out there for a sec. But your tomfoolery made me read the whole thing, so thanks for duping me!


Julian Freeman said...

LOL... With the right bait you can catch just about whatever fish you want ;)

Ian Hugh Clary said...


Gordon said...

"He who stands for nothing will fall for anything." I grow weary of the drumbeat against doctrine.
Enjoyed your blog.